Google to Sunset Google Optimize and Optimize 360

Feb 2023
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Google recently announced they will be sunsetting Google Optimize and Optimize 360. Both will no longer be available after September 30, 2023. However, any experiments and personalizations you have going can continue until then.

What Should I Do Now?

  1. If you haven’t already implemented Google Analytics 4, now is the time. Google is investing in A/B testing integrations for GA4 so this may be your best option. 

  2. You can also check out potential alternatives. Google APIs will be publicly available to integrate your A/B testing tool with Analytics. 

  3. Download your data! As mentioned above, you will be able to continue running campaigns through September 30 but it is recommended you download your historical data before then.

Google has provided some background around the decision to sunset Google Optimize and and Optimize 360 as well as frequently asked questions to help in the transition.

If you have any questions about the transition or would like to consider A/B testing for your website, contact us.